The Next 100

Social entrepreneur for Planet & Climate

The challenge of untangling the interconnected environmental crises requires breakthrough solutions and outstanding entrepreneurs to tackle them. We have supported thousands of visionary social innovators over the last 40 years.  Help us find the next 100 pioneering solutions in Planet & Climate! What big ideas do you see out there? What social entrepreneurs are driving them?


1. Please make sure you read our selection criteria prior to submitting a nomination.


Ashoka is only seeking nominations in the countries listed above.  

However, you may submit your nomination, and we will it on file and get in touch with you once we start operating in the countries listed below.
Press CTRL or Command (Mac), to select multiple options. 100 limit.
Press CTRL, Command on a Mac, to select multiple options.

Where can we find more information about this nominee

Ashoka is only seeking nominations in the countries listed above.  

However, you may submit your nomination, and we will it on file and get in touch with you once we start operating in the countries listed below.
Press CTRL, Command on a Mac, to select multiple options. 100 limit.
Press CTRL, Command on a Mac, to select multiple options.

Links to Additional Information